ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology

ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology ROOTS - Sastainble Agricultural Technology
Services: Roots Zone Heating and Cooling Technology

Root Zone Temperature Optimization (RZTO) technology is widely regarded as the next big item in agriculture today.
Combined with a state-of-the-art dripping system, the D-RZTO enhances crop yield and quality while providing sustainable solution/technology for plant’s temperature control problems and irrigation at the root zone area.
There are four key reasons why controlling root zone temperature is so important:
1) Micro-organism activity is very low when the temperature drops: The soil bacteria is controlling important nutrients such as: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and micro elements such as iron and more.
2) Oxygen Availability, (cooling): When soil temperature rises, oxygen availability decreases in the root zone and greatly influences the function of the plant, affect the growth of the plant.
3) RZTO helps the plant “wake up” faster from the cooler night temperatures (even when the day temperature is relatively nice), instead of waiting 2-3 hours for the soil temperature to be heated by the sun.
4) Healthy plants that have a root zone temperature in an optional range, are more resistant to, temperature changes in the canopy area, past attacks, and needs less nutrients.

RZTO technology has significant advantages over existing technologies, including:

• Pioneering of a two-in-one system – able to both heat and cool plants at the root zone area
• There is no known company with RZTO optimization technology that uses sustainable low energy ground coils heat exchange system both for heating and cooling
• Increased yield and quality, with reductions in growing cycles
• Energy efficient, saving up to 80% of energy compared with air heating
• Faster ROI than competing solutions, which are expensive to run
• Addresses climate management problems
• Real-time results tracking via smartphone and PC software
• Eco friendly – competes favourably with fossil-based air heating companies and air free cooling mats for plants.

Potential Partners : Looking for a distributor for our system of the following profile/capabilities:

• Dealership experience and expertise in the agriculture market
• Technical and logistical capabilities (can install the system and provide maintenance once needed)
• Partner with roots to set up a demonstration plot.

Target Countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, UK, Germany, Finland, Sweden, UAE, Morocco.

Initial contact to be made via the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce:
International Relations Division

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